SUMMER PRESCHOOL FUN (Monday-Thursday) This program is designed to keep your child’s preschool skills sharp while having some summer fun. This camp is offered Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-12:00pm. It is 50% indoor preschool and 50% outdoor camp. The children will start out in the classroom, explore the weekly themes, and work on their preschool skills. Mid-morning they will go outdoors to ride tricycles, enjoy playground time, and run under the sprinklers. A snack will be provided.
CAMP KINDERGARTEN (Monday-Thursday) This program will reinforce and enhance your child’s kindergarten skills. Children who have completed a year of kindergarten or are going into kindergarten are welcome to join this fun program that combines different skills (reading, writing, and math) with art and time for summer fun and outdoor play. This class meets from 9:00am-12:00pm and is taught by our state certified kindergarten teacher.